Serving the Catholic Christian Communities Of Garapan, I Denni, Gualo Rai, Quartermaster, part of Chalan Laulau

Pastor: Rev. Fr. James S. Balajadia, JCL

Parochial Vicar: Rev. Fr. Eric M. Paluku, CRM

Deacon : Rev. Jeffrey T. Camacho


Weekday Masses

Monday / Tuesday / Thursday / Friday 6:00 AM
Wednesday 6:00 PM (Novena To Our Lady of Perpetual Help)
Weekend Masses
Saturday 5 PM (Anticipated Sunday Mass)
Sunday 6:00 AM Chamorro / 9:30 AM (Misa Pro Populo) / 5:00 PM

Rev. Fr. James S. Balajadia;​​​ Parish Administrator

Deacon Jeffrey Camacho; ​​​Council Member

Jose Itibus;​​​​​​ Council President

Ulysses (Gary) Orpiano;​​​​ Council Vice President

Co-Chair, Vocation

Margaret Dela Cruz; ​​​​Council Secretary

Chair, Liturgy/Worship

Marcelina Cepeda; ​​​​​Council Treasurer

Esther Fleming; ​​​​​Council Member

Chair, Evangelization and Formation

Frances Sablan; ​​​​​Council Member

Chair, Youth

Victorino Cepeda​​​​​; Council Member

Co-Chair, Social Justice Outreach

Sr. Martha Ramarui, MMB;​​​ Council Member

Chair, Vocation

Evelyn Itibus; Council Member

Dolores Moore; ​​​​​Council Member


Finance Council Members

David Attao

John Saludez

Gene Weaver

Linda Dumatol

Penny Hofschneider

Office Hours

Monday Closed (Priests Day Off)
Tuesday 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM | 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Wednesday 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM | 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Thursday 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM | Closed for afternoon
Friday Afternoon Office Hours at Santa Remedios Parish

Address: P.O. Box 500745 CK  Saipan, MP 96950

Telephone: (670) 233-2700

Fr. James Balajadia J.C.L. (Administrator)
(670) 233-2700


Prior to World War II, Garapan was a thriving area boasting of over 20,000 people consisting of Japanese nationals and local inhabitants. A beautiful Catholic Church was located in the midst of the area which was built around 1876 by the Spanish missionaries but finished by the German Augustinian Recollects about the turn of the twentieth century. The front part of the Church was completed by the late Father Tardio, a Spanish Jesuit, and his compatriot, the late Brother Oroquita in the early 1930’s during the Japanese administration. Following the war, Garapan was completely demolished as a result of the heavy bombardments during the capture of Saipan by the Americans in June 1944. The Church building was totally ruined with the exception of the bell tower which is still visible today.

Between 1966 and 1968, Garapan’s growth became noticeable. It was in 1968 that the need for the chapel was voiced by the people, partly through the initiative of the district commissioner at the time, Mr. Pedro W. Torres, who was then serving the unfinished term of his late father, Jesus Torres. Such enthusiasm for a chapel was more felt when Father Emery Nemth began saying Mass for the Garapan community inside Camacho’s Theater on Sundays.

Finally, a building was erected in late 1969 and was completed in 1970. In 1971, Father Knute Kenlon came to Saipan and took the parish responsibilities. Father Knute met with Garapan residents headed by Mr. David M. Sablan, and discussed a new approach for a more permanent church with the then Monsignor Tomas A. Camacho. Fundraising activities for the project began in 1976, and the committee to rebuild the Garapan Church contracted the design and the construction to Sablan Construction Company. Laying of the foundation took place during the remaining months of 1976 under the helpful guidance of Engineer Jesus T. Lizama as the project director. A second group of organizers was formed to assist in the fund-drive which was chaired by Mr. Luis T. Camacho. Mr. Camacho’s new group were instrumental in raising more money for the church construction through organizing a raffle in 1977 and through solicitation letters. The new Church building dedicated to Christ the King was finished in 1978. Total cost was estimated in $200,000. The building was constructed with steel beams reinforced by concrete structure, 120 ft.long and 96 ft. wide, and can accommodate 600 people comfortably. Alas, Garapan, with an estimated 4,000 population for 1978, once again was blessed with a new Church which was built by its people and was dedicated on November 26, 1978. To date, Kristo Rai Church continues to improve. It now has a Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament, a baptismal font, and an office space for Parish Pastor.

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