Core Values

Core values is defined as the fundamental beliefs of an individual or organization (, 2017). During the development of the diocesan pastoral plan, the members of the pastoral planning committee and the participants of the forum at large, the clergy and religious sisters agreed on seven (7) core values that will serve as the guiding principles on which the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa and its parishioners will embrace throughout the development and implementation of the diocesan pastoral plan.

The core values will serve as the moral and ethical standards on how we behave to achieve the mission of the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa.

Prayer – An honest dialogue with God leading to openness, consistent listening, and authentic conversion.

Stewardship – A complete lifestyle acknowledging God as Creator and Provider of all. It is the grateful receiving and responsible management of God’s gifts, and the eager sharing of them as expressed in prayer, worship, offering and action.

Catholic Culture – An awareness of who we are as people who belong to Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church which He founded. It is a Knowledge of our identity, both understanding and being proud of our Catholic values, priorities, beliefs, and practices. 

Respect – Upholding the worth and dignity of every person, created in the image and likeness of God.

Hospitality – A welcoming community and sharing our lives with a spirit of charity.

Forgiveness – Unconditional love to all leading to healing, renewal of friendships, and ultimately sacramental reconciliation.

Teamwork – We invite the ideas and opinion of others. We have the authority that matches that level of responsibility. WE WORK TOGETHER FOR COMMON GOALS.