Health Ministry Policy


Whereas:The Diocese of Chalan Kanoa is concerned about the health and wellness of our members; and

Whereas:Noncommunicable diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, stroke and obesity are greatly affected by what we eat and how physically active we are; and

Whereas:Foods such as fruit, vegetables, whole grain breads and pastas, and low-fat dairy options are healthier for preventing many diseases.

Therefore:Effective January 01, 2018, it is the policy of the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa that all meetings and events, including but not limited to group meetings, workshops, Bible study classes, ministry activities, parish events, funerals or anniversary meals, fiestas and functions on or off church or parish property, etc., sponsored or supported by the Diocese and its parishes will always include opportunities for healthy food options that include:

  • Serving only water, coffee, and tea.  This means that no alcohol, sodas, and other sugary drinks are permitted.
  • Serving at least one fruit and/or one vegetable.

Also, where meals are served, the Diocese and its parishes will always promote healthy food choices and portion control.  Thus, the parishes shall develop and incorporate ways of having its parishioners and catering services focus on:

  • Serving healthy food choices as outlined in the accompanying food guidelines.
  • Encourage adherence to USDA guidelines on portion size as shown by the illustration below.

The following are examples of healthy foods and beverages that can be served during church-related meetings, conferences, and other events:

Snack ideas:

  1. Whole fresh fruits like apples, oranges, and bananas
  2. Bite sized fruits and vegetables like grapes, cut melons and honeydews, baby carrots, broccoli florets, cherry tomatoes, and celeries
  3. Whole grain crackers, unsalted pretzels, and unsalted nuts
  4. Low fat yogurt with whole grain granola

Breakfast ideas:

  1. Whole fresh fruits like apples, oranges, and bananas
  2. Whole grain muffins, bagels, or toast
  3. Whole grain hot or cold cereals and 2% or less milk
  4. Hard boiled eggs

Lunch ideas:

  1. Sandwiches; Lean meats; grilled or baked turkey and chicken
  2. Sandwiches; Whole grain bread such as wraps, pitas, or buns
  3. Toppings: shredded lettuce, peppers, tomatoes, low fat cheeses
  4. Salads with a variety of low sodium/fat dressings

Hot meal ideas:

  1. Roasted, broiled, or grilled chicken, turkey, or fish
  2. Steamed vegetables
  3. Whole grain pastas with low sodium/fat dressings like tomato or pesto
  4. Low sodium vegetable based soups


Whereas:Evidence-based research show that family and faith-based community relationships can have a significant and positive impact in helping people make important behavioral change; and

Whereas:With health and wellness education and training, individuals will be better able to support policies, practices and ensure commitment to the goals of Diocese Ministry Priority: Marriage and Family Life.    Establishing networks and partnerships with other organizations that can provide training in nutrition and physical fitness activities will enhance resources and training opportunities to ensure sustainability of programs and successful outcomes; and

Whereas:Members involved in implementing nutrition focused programs should be knowledgeable about: Basic nutrition; strategies for creating an environment that promotes the development of healthy eating habits; and the wellness policies of the Diocese; and

Whereas:Education on the importance of physical activity should be provided to all individuals involved in implementing programs. Opportunities on ways to mix a variety of fun physical activity sessions into meetings, workshops, Bible study classes and church activities and events should be delivered.  Training will increase the comfort level in leading and participating in physical activity programs.

Therefore:Effective January 01, 2018, this policy mandates the creation of a supportive environment for priests,parish representatives and members implementing healthy nutrition and fitness programsthrough the promotion of participatory training and wellness skills building.

  • There should be nutrition and physical activity training at least twice per year.
  • Schedule trainings on a variety of topics each year and consider combining physical fitness information into trainings that address other issues.
  • Utilize services from the community agencies and organizations, such as the Department of Public Health, Northern Marianas College Cooperative Research Extension & Educational Services (NMC CREES), Commonwealth Cancer Association, Commonwealth Diabetes Coalition and Public School System Food & Nutrition Services to mention a few.

The following are examples of education and outreach programs:

  1. Messages about healthy eating and living in the North Star as well as in church bulletins and newsletters
  2. Quick lesson on a locally grown produce every week
  3. Cooking demonstrations with recipe and sharing of nutritional information
  4. Tasting parties with fruits and vegetables (e.g. smoothies of different types of fruits and vegetables)


Whereas:Persons who are insufficiently physically active have a higher risk of all-cause mortality compared with those who do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week, or equivalent, as recommended by WHO; and

Whereas:Physical activity is associated with many positive health benefits and can prevent or delay the onset of many chronic diseases. Short amounts of as little as 10 minutes of physical activity can contribute to these benefits.

Therefore:Effective January 01, 2018, a policy is hereby established wherein a diocese-wideannual physical activity will be conducted. This is envisioned as a “signature event” for all parishes and ministries’ participation such as:

  • Youth Sportsfest
  • Walk-a-thon or Family 5k Fun Run/Walk
  • Church-to-Church Relay

In addition, each parish will conduct two (2) parish-level physical activities each year.  Examples include:

  • Weekly Zumba class
  • Fun Run during parish fiestas
  • Walk to Jerusalem / Walk to Bethlehem
  • Let’s Move Bingo
  • Dance the Night Away

And lastly, it is mandated that all meetings and events, including but not limited to group meetings, workshops, Bible study classes, ministry activities, parish events, funerals or anniversary meals, fiestas and functions on or off church or parish property, etc., sponsored or supported by the Diocese will always include opportunities for physical fitness activity.


Provide physical activity breaks before, during, or after the scheduled meeting or event.  The following examples can be used to include physical activities into meetings and events:

  1. Upper body stretch
  2. Neck and shoulder relaxer
  3. Shoulder and arm stretches
  4. Lower body in motion
  5. Torso twist
  6. March in place
  7. Alternate heel taps
  8. Step side to side
  9. Dance fever
  10. Take a walk


  1. Keep physical activity breaks short and manageable (i.e. 1-5 minutes)
  2. Use stairwells instead of elevators at inside events
  3. Choose venues that offer physical activity opportunities for participants (i.e. outside events)
  4. Provide time before, during or after an event for a 15-30 minute walk
  5. Ask participants to share and demonstrate their favorite activities, games, and movement ideas.


Whereas:The Diocese of Chalan Kanoa is concerned about the health and wellness of our members; and

Whereas:We would like to provide a healthy environment for our members, employees, visitors, and community residents; and

Whereas:Tobacco use and exposure to second hand smoke is hazardous to the health of human beings; and

Whereas:Tobacco smoke, as well as betel nut chewing, are major causes of preventable diseases.

Therefore:Effective January 01, 2018, it is the policy of the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa that there will be no use of tobacco and chewing of betel nut at any meetings and events, including but not limited to group meetings, workshops, Bible study classes, ministry activities, parish events, funerals or anniversary meals, fiestas and functions on or off church or parish property, etc., sponsored or supported by the Diocese. To support this policy we will:

  • Prohibit tobacco and betel nut chewing in or on any grounds of the church, building, and vehicles owned by the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa, its parishes, cemetery, and schools.


The following examples can be used:

  1. Post signs that are visible in and around the building.
  2. Provide information on or promote cessation programs for those in need.
  3. Educate all members regarding the harm of tobacco use and exposure as well as betel nut chewing.
  4. Reject any sponsorship from tobacco related producers or marketers.
  5. Choose tobacco free facilities for meetings and activities held outside of the church and its facilities.